Friday, July 04, 2008

Die For Me : #1

We wanted to play first "Die For Me" in Los Angeles. As a symbol. This song was the first we played together with Tristan and Yohan. I remember when we played it in the big but dirty Antistatic rehearsal local... The magic appeared. We felt it on our skins. We didn't know at this time if the line-up could work or not, cause it hadn't even been done before. Tristan played his classical compositions, Yohan knocked on his drum as if he was going to die, and I threw up my neurasthenic lyrics... and we just felt good.
So, we wanted to do the same in front of Ross. 
That's what we did. And then, after having talked with Ross about how deep could be this song, we
 played and felt. We felt deep deep things. Waoh... Maybe it's because of the deep Pacific Ocean beside.
But maybe not.
No, it's not the ocean...


laumoc said...

c'est génial ! on a hâte de lire la suite, on suit tout ça avec beaucoup d'intérêt. et tristan, si tu pouvais m'avoir un autographe de ross, ça serait top, bonne continuation à tous les 3.

Anonymous said...

Heureuse de pouvoir suivre pas à pas cette expérience les gars... Ross Robin et Los Angeles ! Vous êtes des méga-veinards et j'attends avec impatience de voir ce que ça va donner.