Saturday, July 19, 2008


"MOPA is nihilist".
Waouh... Hard to be nihilist in Venice Beach.
People never like to hear to we don't like people. We understand that easily. But it's not that simple with MOPA. People often see us different as what we are. Maybe we're sometimes mistaken in what we show. All the angry stuff, misanthropic style on stage, all these lyrics, all the pain, spitted on everyone's face like a fist on the nose...
We've got no problems with people. Even with whole society. We use it. We feed from it. We even like or love a lot of people. All the ones who help us, who make us laugh, who move us, who make us think, who make us feel alive. There are a few, but they exist !

And we now how to get blind to some parts of society to stay happy, to stay honest, to stay deep.
And we now how to get deaf to some people not to get crazy listening to them.

But don't lie to us... You feel happy seeing our world with a little bit of distance ?
Be honest.
When you see G. Bush and N. Sarkozy, you feel happy ?
When you talk to people addicted to FOX NEWS & TF1, you think the world is aware ?
When you see military cars in the street, you feel peaceful ?
When you buy a sandwich 8E on a highway, you think all is right ?
When a fucking chemical factory bursts off in your town, and it's nobody's fault, you think all is fuckin' right ?
When you read fuckin geeks on websites, who think they're the new intelligentsia of the modern world and who get their dirty clothes to be washed at mummy's house the same time, don't you want to kill sometimes ?
When you watch the music on TV, don't you want to put a baseball bat in it ?

When you read blogs, don't you want to run in big fields, make love, breathe on a large beach, close your eyes facing the sun, dive into the water, get back at the surface and then south your joy ?
Do it.
It's still not forbidden.


Anonymous said...

it's great to be "inside" in the moments you describe, i try to understand better... and because i can, even i can not, it's nice to have that opportunity to know more.
i hope (and see) you're living a good experience, i'm waiting for you in Berlin ;o)

Unknown said...

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."
Oscar Wilde

I guess you're wearing your music like a mask and I can feel truth in your attitude whether you're on stage or not.

Human being is just amazing... there are so many people in the world that could have destroyed your faith and trust in humanity, but a single one can bring love and hope back.