Yohan did it.
It seems everything is in the box. All the drum parts. This guy is amazing... He was so "on fire", as said Ross. And moreover, he touched something different, something more.
You know, during a show, every musician will feel a moment better than another one. On 10 songs, for example, you will maybe feel something really really strong and particular on 2 / 3 songs. I mean something really deep... When Ross talks to us before recording, it's with the intention to re-create this magic moment, but without doing 8 songs before.
When Yohan played, we were everytime playing with Tristan. He had to feel us, as support, as friends, as guys on the same boat. He had to go into the song, the meaning of it. The lyrics. The pain inside of them sometimes. Often. Then the salvation through them. After them. He had to touch something immaterial, something spiritual, not to just play the songs.
His body had to live the songs. Forget his parts. His technical habits. How he is supposed to hold his sticks, to hit the snare drum, to behave as a drummer. He had not to worry about that.
I personaly think that you must be a huge huge huge drummer to be able to do that. I mean you need to have a huge technical background to be able to just play with your instinct... and stay in the tune, in the rythm, in the vibe !
But he did it.
I'm so proud of what he has given. Of how deep in himself he has dug. Of how he gave himself in the lyrics, in my stories. In my story. Singular. And God knows how close he had to be part of some of this fucking story. God knows too how honest he was when he gave himself to me when I needed him, when he wanted to solve all my problems, when he wanted to be the part of the solution, and not be part of the problem. You've never been the part of the problem, guy. It wasn't you. Never feel guilty about that. Never.
You're the good guy, not the bad girl.
Yohan, when he plays drums, is quite never the part of the problem neither. ;-)
Félicitations Y. !
Vraiment hâte d'entendre ça ! Le plus frustrant pour nous c'est le côté encore abstrait du son que vous aurez : on mixe cérébralement le son Ross et vos compositions, et même si M. est un putain de narrateur, on est vraiment devant l'inconnu...
Ça va être la braaaaanléeeee ! Félicitations pour tout, bon courage pour le reste !
Elle tombe sur son épaule et croise le logo du tee-shirt : Yohan s'est laissé poussé une micro mèche de 3 cheveux !
L'enregistrement doit être vraiment éprouvant, capilairement Yohan n'en peut plus...
Blague à part... c'est quoi ? :)
Salut Yohan!
Ne te voyant plus au musée, j'ai pensé que tu devais être à L.A, normal... Vérification faite, je vous souhaite bonne chance pour la suite!
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