"Page of a Dictionary".
"Broken Army".
We worked on 2 songs yesterday.
I explained the first one to Ross. The fact of being tired of seeing all the metal bands, hardcore bands, rock bands, using words they don't even now the meaning. Bands who invent a story about themselves, coming from the guetto, coming from Brooklyn, coming from the favellas, coming from poverty.. But they most come from a quite neighboorhood, from the big house of mom and dad, from where grandma used to cook them their pancakes before rehearsals... They're "tough guy" in their dreams. They're in fact fagets, they're "little kid"s as Ross said. "They're afraid of the world, but most of all of themselves". That's why they use all the cliches to become others. The one that is not them. The one that seems to be cool, strong, beautiful, poweful. Ross liked the message of the song ! We're totally in it here... in France too... everywhere...
"So wipe your asshole with a page of a dictionary."
Thanx to JANE'S ADDICTION. We got back this tape recorder from them. The assistant of Ross, "Lil Bush" worked by the way on the last PERRY FARRELL record.
So nice to have news from you guys, keep writing your diary it's great to read this almost everyday, keep working at the studio to do great things, hope you enjoy your time in L.A.
See you !!!
Salut, je vais écrire en français histoire de ne pas me déchirer totalement...
Je trouve ça carrément intéressant que vous évoquiez le sens des paroles de MOPA sur ce blog. Cependant, j'avoue que Page Of A Dictionnary me pose un "problème". Je comprends totalement ce que dénonce cette chanson et on a quelques exemples qui viennent immédiatement à l'esprit.
Mais écrire des trucs genre "let's fight as folks" ou "you're a tiny, tiny boy", c'est pas un peu procéder de la même logique ? "La mienne est plus grosse que la tienne", en somme...
Après, je sais bien qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un débat et que je profite honteusement de cette tribune. Mais tout de même, j'ai l'impression que la chanson en question fait un peu appel aux ressorts qu'elle dénonce précisément...
A part ça, ça jouit que vous soyez chez Ross Robinson, j'espère que vous allez faire un putain de gros disque. Good continuation, see you en France.
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