Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We are the messiahs !!!!! ;-)

We often hear about our stuff that we play elitist music. We are "elitist musicians", we consider ourselves as the "new messiahs" of the "new revolution". We "think we are the best musicians ever" blabla... I exagerate a little bit. But the idea is here. We hear that sometimes.
So know one thing :

We are Jesus and you'll drink our blood and eat our body to save your mind from MTV !

No, I'm just killing !
Don't drink our blood. It's not that fat free.
We're not Jesus or messiahs. We just write songs called "Amen" ;-)
MTV is cool. Blink rules.

I think things like that don't happen when you're a band with a usual line-up, usual instruments, usual "standing" ! Because we break a few rules, even without having the willing to break them, we may be seen as pretentious and elitist.
But it's not that evident.
Even if I think that elitism can be a good thing for "Music" and "Art" in general, it's not the feeling of the MOPA's...
To be clear, I obviously think that our music is fucking cool, and fucking original. Yeah. That's true. I won't lie. I could even say I'm proud of it !
But people who know us know too that we are really more simple, wiser, and more human than what can be imagined sometimes... we can also be so fucking stupid... as on these photos. (our new "metal" press pictures ! © Pierre RED Ollier !)

I could even say I'm proud of that too ! ;-)


Anonymous said...

you guys need some graphics for the new record? if so hit me up...

Anonymous said...

Silverchair made a similar photo ten years ago... did Yoh insist to make a photoshoot precisely here?



Biboux said...

Without the faShUN-glasses it could have been better ;)