Sunday, August 24, 2008

Birth of the Anti Mother

It's the title of the last NORMA JEAN record.
It has been very recently released. And of course, we knew this album before the release cause the guys recorded with Ross at the same place as us. We listened to this record during the whole month of july and now the world can hear what it's about...
"The Anti Mother".

We met the NORMA JEAN a few days ago here after their Warped Tour. Because I'm too shy, I haven't been able to express how the sounds and the lyrics moved me. Corey, dude, B.A. ! Your lyrics are so rough and meaningful... If you knew how loud we sang "Robots 3 - Humans 0" in the L.A. streets this night, when we were so drunk !... So fun. Or not. ;-)

Cause it's the "Anti Mother" album, here are the lyrics of the "Birth of the Anti Mother" song. Enjoy NORMA JEAN, don't download their record, buy it, you won't be disappointed.

NORMA JEAN - Birth of the Anti Mother

From the bloodline of vicious serpents, a dreadful heart within a lovely shell
A demons heart, but with the face of God
I guess a liar’s heart is still true even if her lips are not
The vomit that flows out from your mouth has seeped into your chest
Searching for the strength to breathe in one last lie from you, but right now the grave seems so much easier
The fear of that devil in me… it comes from you
You’re like the smoke in the window
She comes for sorrow
She comes for lies
We came here for blood
Did you? Yes or no? No one’s getting out because we came for blood
We’re not breathing and I don’t care, because no ones breathing…
She’s not breathing. Choke that witch out
Suffocate her
Choke her out


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

si vous les re croisez dites leurs de ramener leur fessiers par la france!
y'a pas que vous qui chantiez robot 3 human 0 bourré!je me le fait tatouer a la rentrée!balése! une bise a reddy au passage!
la bise

Alternativ News said...

Haha je l'ai acheté celui-là :) Et je regrette pas, un des album de l'année.

Anonymous said...

before the days of collapsing!!!! red! tu rentres on se la met et on écoute cette chanson! pas d'excuses!!!!