Monday, August 25, 2008

Building a pyramid of sand

It's hard to build a pyramid of sand.
You build it cause it's beautiful. Cause you don't know nothing except building things.
And you like building.

But you know how fragile it is.
And there are so many people who can walk on it, blow on it, shit on it...
Some people only watch, but can destroy it watching it from too close.
And some people only want to get it destroyed. Cause it's so beautiful they can't swallow they can't build one.

So you've got the builders, the watchers, and the destructors.
Fuck, they're so many destructors.
It's so hard to take care of such pyramids. Even you can be used to.

There is one thing you must know : destructors don't build pyramids.
Destructors talk.
Destructors don't create.
Destructors suck blood. Cause they don't know how to live peacefully with theirs. Their blood is boiling. Fuck, it's a pot...

You can kill the destroyers from your watchtower.

But I don't want to become a murderer, you know.
And watchtowers are so ugly for my eyes in the landscape.

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